Thursday, July 31, 2014

Sanding Sanding Sanding (Schleifen Schleifen Schleifen)

Since hubby needs to work out-of-town, last Wednesday hubby's dad and I cleaned-up the building-site in the morning and in the afternoon hubby's dad worked on the second floor.

Yesterday morning, hubby's dad and I went to the building site --- I sanded the walls using a small machine and he did the next batch of filling paste on the walls and ceiling. In the afternoon, I went there for an hour to organize the ground floor and clean-up.

This morning, we (hubby's dad and I) worked again at the building site. Hubby's dad continued sanding using the bigger machine in the second floor. I continued installing the insulation materials on the ground floor. In between times, I also helped him sanding the walls.

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