Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Base Sealing / Waterproofing Exterior Foundation Walls Part 3 (Sockelabdichtung Teil 3)

We continued the unending waterproofing of the exterior foundation walls. This work depends on the day-to-day weather situation. And since the rainy season is still not finished (plus the temperature going to minus), we were not able to finish this job. Frustrating as it is, but that's how it is for now *sigh*.

Doing the base sealing is actually not hard, except for the corners. We need to make sure that the corners are totally closed and that no moisture problem will be possible to build there. In this case, we need to cut smaller pieces of BT 21 that perfectly fit on all the corners. In our house, we have 12 corners to work on. It is very important that the BT 21 serves its purpose. And that is, to keep our walls dry and moist free. Moisture damage or water damage on housewalls creates molds that is dangerous to health. Therefore, we really need to make sure that on this part, we will be patient enough to do it the right way.

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