Thursday, November 28, 2013

Power, Gas and Telephone Installation Day 2 (Verlegung HausanschlüsseTag 2)

I was already on the building site at 8am this morning. The Excavation Company people were late. They arrived around 8:40am. During this times, I was able to take some pictures of what they were able to finish yesterday.

We also had luck that the TV cable was already there and they asked the Telephone Company people if the Exacavation Company people can already prepare it in. Good thing that everything went well. That is atleast one good news out of many bad news whew!

After lunch, I was able to reached the Electric Company. They said that they will do the earth cable installation tomorrow from the Hausanschluss-Säule to the basement. Since we also have the building site power from them, they also mentioned of checking on it.

In the afternoon, I went to check on the finish work of the E-ON for the Power, Electric and Telephone installations.

The Power (the one with the blue color paint) and the Gas line (the thick black cable).

This is how the installation looks like from the inside.

This is the telephone and TV cable installed inside one big pipe.

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